About Complexity of Flavor-and Higher Probability of DIET TRIUMPH!


Research shows that flavor complexity is a powerful limit to overeating; Consider the following..

You have four options, Which of these are you least likely to have a binge if you’re hungry?

A. Rice with more salt
B. Rice cheese and macaroni with salt
C. Rice with tomato sauce and salt or
D. Rice with cereal (like ground bits) and just a bit of salt

If you picked option D, you must be the diet marathon winner!

Why is this so? Because of simplicity of flavor or complexity for the fourth option. It’s been found that our food has been processed to have the basic flavor too simple. Even tomato sauce with pasta and too much salt may cause a binge because the sauce is too simple. And combining this with strong flavor like salt or chemical flavor is a formula for diet catastrophee. This is because you are both being hit by the simple flavor reduction, unlike the natural way of complexity like a strawberry or tomato. A cheese chip has been over processed (and with fat chemicals and salt added) so your boundary is both reduced to stop and boosted to go on eating by the addition of too much flavor like salt and chemicals.. So my Flavor Blending method (of my first post see link at the end of this post) involves both increased complexity and also the reduction of the flavor to a definite lower limit as in evolution, but not too low so it’s satisfying.

It’s been said that if there is a problem, somewhere there must be a solution. So overweight isn’t impossible to solve if you use these two reliable simple methods, and both the problems of simple flavor and too much flavor are resolved. Combining this with a general Money limit on the availability of the food (as I say on the link at the end of the post) like say a 10% reduction per week for say one week a month, and it’s general to exact. You are in the general area by limit, and you won’t refind the weight if you also don’t have the flavor binges as I say if you use Flavor Reduction, and Modulation And Complexity.

This about Complexity to me seems like how germs get resistance to man made antibiotics which are simple. Like simple flavor, the small pac man germ easily goes beyond the limit. Yet in evolution, germs didn’t get resistance to natural antibiotics like herbs and become supergerms because natural antibiotics have thousands of substances that are so complex the germs never get resistance. So too, complexity of flavor “up to a point no doubt” since there’s a limit to everything, seems one of evolution’s best methods of keeping and making us more healthy and fit. (Too much complexity would seem like a picture with too much “muddy paint”, and not optimal.)

  In studies of memory (why so!) you remember best when you are not in euphoria, “when glory arrives, memory goes”, rather your memory is most sharp when you’re mildly uncomfortable. So mild flavor, complex flavor and Flavor Modulation, FM seem of value in weight reduction and control.


Research also shows that you associate strong flavor with calories.

In evolution there was a complex diet changing all the time all your life If you were a light eater even in the shade! In evolution there wasn’t as much strong flavor and the flavors were complex.

What happens when you have strong flavor combined with simple sources of calories seems to be like you’re having an implosion where the strong flavor and the simple food and calories are like a magnet that multiplies the tendency to overeat.

But if you think of this like a resonance, to break the loop of strong flavor and the calories you want to change to other food before the association between the calories and flavor is too strong. So if you must eat strong flavor sometimes, you should be aware that it’s artificial and your diet will crash if you continue eating that type of food. At the minimum you want to change the food before the spell is too strong. It’s artificial and you don’t deserve it.

I find that over just a few days the link isn’t so strong. Even so the artificial resonance will build in subtle powerful events not common in evolution. So you want to change your food often with low levels of flavor not too much or without, like by blending whole powders as I say on my flavor modulation link below. This also gives your diet more complexity of the food both by changing the complexity and by breaking the strong simple yet artificial flavor calorie link not seen in evolution.

What dog snack is eaten if the dog drives away with arfopilot and finally you have a chaffeur.

Combine this with moderate exercise like  walking and some lifting plus reduce fat which isn’t tempting by FM Flavor Modulation, plus add the Artificial food money Limit as I say on these links.

Sometimes I splurge just a bit and eat some junk food, but if you have food like for R & D in general by these methods the temptation to eat bad foods is reduced, so I only have a bit of junk food and if I overindulge it’s reduced fat enough! to go in with the Kitchen Safe and then eat it just a bit by bit by timing it out.

And in evolution it seems our life was optimal with moderate flavor, not artificial chemicals and poisons. Just low levels of healthy flavor and the general Limit Method of Money/Food Limits as I say may save you from high blood pressure and the other woes of being overweight.


blue tape measuring on clear glass square weighing scale

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com



As they find in R and D, when you are on a diet, you’re edgy, and vice versa, or verse visa? I think of this as “lower pay”. You diet because you are cautious about your weight, the diet causes edginess, and this causes you to go off the diet, and this causes more edginess yet. Because the “investment” has failed; you put a lot of time and pain in your diet, and then you’re more overweight than when you started and you’ve lost more than you won… this is why the GL and FM methods combined are such a celebration as I share with you because, they get anyone with overweight out of the stress and frustration loop indefinitely.   I believe these methods of Flavor Modulation and General Money/Food Limits combined with moderate exercise and common sense may make it so almost anyone can have a 90% bet of winning the bet and keeping off the weight. Most diets before this had only 5- 20% chance of winning out. With reduction, it’s value and you won’t be sad about unreturned VISA!




You may want to keep a record of your weight, (recommended, otherwise reduced control). You want to know what you’re getting. In studies, starlings given the option of more pay and not knowing what they got or knowing what they got for lower pay, chose knowing over the higher pay. Like for competitions with a chess computer, the machine can beat all humans, and if it can choose between knowing or not knowing for the same payoff, it always chooses to know “control:” So keeping a weight control log will keep it more level, by the following method;

Say  your weight goes a bit too low, either while you reduce or once you’re where your healthy weight is.

Think of this not as “Hey, lose even more! That’ll Show em!” Instead try to think, “Wow! Time for some delicious food! A treat.” Or even have a bit of comfort food. If it’s too high, think “Wow, deja vu! I want to be healthy and lose weight! Think of all the advantages!”

There are sites with word lists that can help you find all the good words for this..

The difference here is about control. As I say above the pay level for any other diet I’ve ever seen FOR REAL is like 15% or so, especially if you lose more than a lb or two a month.

So if your pay is much higher with these 3 or so Methods now you can get a much higher level of “pay” for these words! People who use the words and don’t have these Methods are with so much reduction in “pay” they get almost no pay, even while the words are  influential for “all the cosmos”, this because of the dismal rate of success by other methods of controlling weight.. In truth “pay” is ability and control.


Yet when you have control, you’re in the right general area by the Limits, and you zero in and don’t lose by bingeing via FM, and you can be in control, and the same words have more power. Most people feel they’re being tricked about food somewhat, and General Limits and FM Flavor Modulation may be the solution.

They’re right there is a real way to win, you know they always had this belief. It’s like a sort of diet dream a lot of people had, there’s the idea “seems so simple” yet why does it fail over and over for millions?

And for some FM and GL may save their life I hope, like for people who want to lose weight for good health. It’s not that they haven’t realized the worth of words, it’s perhaps about the lack of these three Methods, and while your weight isn’t who you are, I hope they are an answer to your hopes, health, and celebration.. So while the Methods are indispensable to your know how, you can multiply the force of your control with words of worth and have an even higher rate of diet triumph.

Cooking has value to save on costs. Indeed I would say that if e.g. you cook pasta or rice and use the microwave instead of the stove to not burn the house down, you have 20 minutes while you wait and you can start to think of the prayers and words, like “is this of value, have I already had too much”? Or not enough..

Here you have word inertia, and this as how it may be of value! So to make your chance of diet success even higher, start to pray, and you will reverse the bingeing habit, you won’t go too low and lose it ahead of where it’s of value, and you have control, row row row your ship, rush hour in Miami Beach!


General Area:

GO HERE for HOW SETTING ARTIFICIAL LIMITS May Help; Limit One Money Number and You Lose and Keep off the Weight






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