NOTE; THIS IS PART 2 OF MY METHOD. For my idea about Flavor Modulation which works in combination with this, The Limit Method of weight control CLICK HERE, or see link at end of post..

This is not medical advice, and is not intended to diagnose or cure and disease. These claims have not been evaluated by the FDA. Please read and understand my complete Disclaimer, The Famous Click Here Site! Thanks.

… Another valuable method I’ve used to lose weight is to think of being overweight as essentially a money related issue, of right! light reading! Like if the stop sign says go I stop eating! If you live in a food swamp or a food desert, you can lose weight either way by understanding that if you have the “food swamp” (defined by some as an artificial abundance of food), this can be counteracted by combining the flavor modulation method with an artificial limit. Fight food fire with simethicone! By this you can find one number to control your weight and that’s the entire food cost for the week.

To find this number all you need is a bit of cutting back. It’s where you feel comfortable yet no more food in reach.  Then spend all your money plus 10% of that number for the week. It’s easy to spend money if you plan ahead so you have more value..To find your level which may be different for different people, you might start with 50$ (which is my number), and raise it or lower it over a few months to find the level of worth before you begin the diet.

To reach the 10% level at the right time, to 0 in on the level I buy larger items, and  reduced costs of some others will save me up!

Find only healthy foods with the right levels of flavor by Flavor Modulation as I say on the link below, or you can modulate the flavor of foods that are of reduced flavor. And don’t forget to eat a considerable number of foods without any flavor to stay fit in your idea and you have an abundance of computing power. It’s not so bad to do without so much flavor, it’s like the howl of the bits and my sloppy drive!


Once you find the level of money that is just right with some practice, then just cut it back by one tenth or so and I spend my money saved on all sorts of ritz essentials.. I also use a herb like cozy chamomile or passionflower if I get a bit hungry, these are effective for reducing hunger you may not be used to at first. Once you get used to being moderately hungry it’s no more uncomfortable than a day in the heat of summer, you thaw right out…


For keeping your weight off, this trick is also awesome for use; simply maintain your food bill at that simple number and you’ll never gain it back!


I think most people gain weight because they are unable to spot the underlying change in weight amid all the random events around and if all that can be reduced to one simple number, control is much easier in reach. If you spend all your money on like one day when you get paid, you can invest as much of it as you like like online in currency or other event. By thinking before you buy, while you may have to do without somewhat, this also gives you more time to find the best buys like online so you often have the value advkantage about what you buy. You’re ready at the end of the week.


Although the methods on these links are my all time best I want to say that these two methods, FM and Food Limits are only two parts of a three method event. As I say on my Flavor Modulation link see end of post for link, FM and Limits alone aren’t enough not to be in lots of constant hunger at the end of 6 months of losing the 30 pounds No End in Sight if you don’t just eat then. This won’t do because of the risk of diet failure . So after I lost the 35 pounds I deliberately gained 5 back just to relieve the pain, yes it’s real pain you don’t want. So here is is my hopeful method for how to lose all you want without pain!

As I say FM and Limits have real value even so if you use them in addition to a simple diet aid like Meritrim. So while these methods make it more probable you won’t gain it back (REAL useful as far as the diet goes so your efforts are not in vain) these days I use a small dose of Meritrim because it works like 1/7th a cap a day and a 30 dollar bottle will last 2 years. Meritrim was a diet aid where the research nerds went through 10s of thousands of herbs to find herbs that cause weight loss without side effects and the two herbs were mangosteen and indian thistle. Unlike the combination of the one and no more reps than this I like it more than the risk of combination formulas I haven’ t had as much faith in.

MY MERITRIM METHOD Click Here or See Link at End of Post For How To Rest your Meritrim and then “Reuse” it for Weight Reduction. You can”recycle” your Meritrim for better value. As if 20 times the value if you want to lose 200 lbs.


PS I found a method of losing weight at more than 100 times the rate of Meritrim. I was searching for a way to reduce my triglycerides and cholesterol and found ALA from flax and soy lecithin both are good at reducing fat also. ALA reduces triglecerides 67% and lab animals lose 40% of the fat and e.g. lecithin reduces cholesterol 50% or so.

My idea is that fat is fat so calorie restriction and this may not have problems like muscle loss.

I lost 4 pounds the first night with lecithin and ALA and 4 more pounds the second night. As I say on the link, there are some cautions and you want to only lose like a pound a week; click here


for details or see post link at end of page for this link if you like.

Here I want to note that if you want to reduce your diet and increase your size a bit, be sure not to revise your weight much too soon by only eating more simple processed foods till you’re comfortable and only then use the timer box to not keep on going up. As I say I lost 35 pounds and then was uncomfortable so I gained back 5 and then 10 lbs. It should have been only 5 lbs because was at the level but I forgot the Kitchen Safe and the Money Limit.



You see sights where they say! Right! You can lose 30 pounds in short order just by eating food with no flavor. I argue against this by two counts; no flavor isn’t like evolution so you can’t maintain it and, you’ll lose it too fast if you don’t combine the whole foods with their reduction of flavor with more processed foods in a more moderate  level.

Some whole foods I like for this are potatoes, cabbage, and sweet potatoes. Potatoes, like pasta and rice are just 2 or 3 cents an ounce if you cook them on your own with the microwave. Unlike chips where they charge 10 times the cost and damage your heart at 100 times the ER rate in awhile, 50 is always 20 years ahead! -Potatoes if you cook them are just a few cents a day and unlike rice and pasta which have been processed so much you need salt or sugar to bail them out, potatoes are more like evolution. Even so with foods like these it’s easy to cut food costs to 40 or so or even 10 a week if needed for use awhile, or wanted. Of course meat, milk, fruit, vegetables and grains each day are not uncommon sense!


If you like you can bring your food costs down to literally 25$ a week most weeks by simply buying food like whole grain rice which is just 1.50$ a week at the discount store. (Grains are the better part of a healthy diet so this will literally cut your food bill in half.)
You can cook your own and save by using your cell phone timer to not burn your house up or burn it down, think of moss on your roof! And with pasta, your cost is only 5$ a week for half the food costs as in the Mediterranean diet.

Add to this, milk powder I use Yummy brand from Amazon, it’s 6 times cheaper than Carnation evaporated milk per ounce. It seems to have far better flavor than Bob’s Red Mill powdered milk.

For vitamin MK7 (like vitamin K but better for strong bones, teeth, reduced risk of heart problems and more) You might like Ghee butter from stores like Vitacost, And I finish my cheaping out in celebration of exercise by a jog visit to the farmer’s outlet store where veggies are just 50 cents a pound, this which is 10 times cheaper than veggie powders you find online.

And for sweetener on my first post, flavor without so much sugar damage to your teeth Pure Monk lo han sweetener from Amazon combined with sugar is 64 times cheaper than Swanson lo han.

Of course you need foods like citrus and other foods and the ghee is indeed 4$ a week, even so 50$ might be all the food you need if you rotate and buy more than one type of food each week. For me 25$ is viable about half the time. You want to create a reduction about one or two days a week, like 10% overall reduction and fasting is considered good for health in general.

It’s important to average your weight for like a month to see what’s going on. I set my goal at 1 pound a month. This may not seem like much but over 3 years I’ve safely lost 30 pounds! One way to achieve this goal is by setting your food money number to 10% lower for a week or two or three if necessary. If you reach the goal in two weeks by the average, simply raise the money number for food up to the baseline and you won’t gain it back. Then repeat for the next month and the next pound.

Don’t feel bad if you put on a pound or so sometimes, and don’t be elated if you lose it by these methods. I think of this like the weather in March it’s gradually improving with some setbacks and even so more improvment than setbacks. I think of it like a business event, wise and reliable improvments slower but surer often win the marathon.

man holding ice cream cone under cloud
Photo by Rakicevic Nenad on

I don’t use a calculator to find the average, one goof and it’s zonk out month, and dog nap hour! Instead with my permanent record in the book, I subtotal one column and then write a line to the number for say 5 of the numbers, then repeat for the rest of the column and then just add these numbers after proofing by the sum from base on up and from top to the base.. Finally just add the subtotals sets, one for each column where you drew the line that leads you well and divide to reliably find the number.

  The average of both your AM and PM weight are a middle “real” number that you compare to the new lower “real prime number line”. I try to write as many AM as PM readings, or the same number for the result at any rate.

I think of it as squeezing out the lower weight. If you lose like 4 pounds below your first real number this is too much and then if you try to lower it more or even maintain it you are hungry more often and you’re stuck. Just be satisfied with 1 or 2 pounds a month. Nobody else can either. It may seem tough to save money if your neighbors buy stuff you can’t afford, but not if they owe you for these luxurys so you are not luxury size!

Don’t go for record setting every two or three days. Sure you can circle your lower numbers, but due to the general gradual need for good results, you can feel good more often…

Don’t worry if your weight goes up. Using these methods gives more stability. Yesterday I ate pasta with quite a bit of salt and I was 5 pounds up. This is due to how salt boosts water retention and weight. The satisfaction here was in realizing that due to FM and The Limit I hadn’t overeaten, it was mere water weight, and this week my weight is back on the level.

For buying food online I recommend using a real AZ list for tracking food values, your costs will go down in a few months of practice, and I also keep a list of sent in orders with time, cost, and estimated time recieved, and also a separate wish list of what I might want to buy or might want more often. This is something other for buying since the simple list helps you keep track for orders and not just possible values which are more complex since you may or may not buy them and may you want to list them all.

These are some ways I’ve found it’s possible you can have a healthy nutritious food yet save the bank a boucoo reesh. My Spel Right is Solid Gold Old World.


Like me you may realize this will work if you don’t have boxes filled with lots of cash lying around your luxury villa. Even so anyone can use these methods to control weight. How to limit money if you have a lot of money or if you “just won the lottery”?

One option might be to ask your Boss to pay you by the week, or you may ask your boss if “she’s the president of the lottery!” She sure is!

Or you can put your cash in a Safe Box so no more cash is available for that week, you can get a timer Kitchen Box or at any rate a cheap timer padlock on eBay for just 17$.

While these are somewhat pricey, I bought three of the timer safes for about 60$ each on Amazon, and I consider them well worth the cost. They’re great for making any changes in habits like behavior you might want, like about food, money, or internet overuse risk (27% in surveys say they use the internet “almost constantly” this may reduce grey matter and relationships).

(For more about the Timer Kitchen Safe and its value,  Click Here, or see the link at end of post).

I bought another bigger safe “Captured Discipline” in hopes of saving more money, but it turned out to be so complex and risky in how to use, I returned it to Amazon.

“On the other shoe” The Kitchen Safe is simple, reliable and easy to use. The 17$ timer padlock seems to have crashed, so the Kitchen Safe seems the best value even at 60$. You might be able to buy them cheap on Ebay.

It was a Kickstarter box that was punted with the box shoe over the finish, and it was new when I bought it 4 years ago so you might find it cheaper on eBay these days.

The Kitchen Safe works to limit Money for Weight control. While unlike the big safe it has just a 9 day limit not like 30, and it won’t hold a lot of food, it holds cash well! and if you get paid once a week, and you don’t want to be overweight yet save your money also, you can just set your money food limit to like the 30$-50$ Limit I use and then just decide when it’s in reach what to spend or save it for beyond that.

You have at the least the advantage of deciding to spend or not on food and what you save and spend on non food. Here you’ve also taken the problem of abundance of food money complexity, and with it, food, and reduced it to just one simple number you can think about all week before you decide what to spend it on and often better value.

I tried the Kitchen Safe for weight Control by food “spot on” but this is nowhere near as valuable for weight control as Flavor Control and the Money/Food Limit methods combined.

One thing I noticed as I used the Safe in the basic early methods that failed was that it was just a labor to even open and remove and set the boxes. More importantly it was complex. By this I mean I was interacting with the food in more complex ways than just by Flavor Modulation and The Limit of money.

This complexity was as random as lots of diet methods are, and it leaves more ways for  getting tangled up in the diet than a simple Flavor and Money Control method.

So while I have waited years to finally reach these Flavor Control/Limit methods, I’m glad I did stop when I did for the 10 years of no diets while I considered other methods like these.

Flavor Modulation/Available Reduction or Limits are a way to get in the general area, and then not binge on the food you have. The Limit makes it so your chances of triumph are higher.

People on a diet are stressed. By usual diets you may see elsewhere the chance of losing the weight and keeping it off are lower, and why even try if you’re a lot more probable to fail than succeed, only by The Limit does it become more probable you win, at any rate if you don’t get greedy and lose it so fast your chance of keeping it off is reduced.

 RISKS Of Losing Weight Too Fast and ADVANTAGES

Of Gradual Weight Loss

The slower you lose the weight, the more probable you’ll find a refund! Mary Chrismas, she’s at the business shelf! I would believe the main reason most diets fail is because of lack of flavor modulation, and no availability limit as above.


According to the F C & A Yearbook, “A University of Pittsburg study found that people over 65 who lost 5% or more of their body weight boosted their risk of dying by 67% The study involved 4,174 people age 65 and older. It didn’t matter how they lost the weight, whether by diet or serious illness, the risks were the same. .”

So if you’re 65 or older, you may want to ask your doctor before losing weight.

Reduce availability while maintaining healthy whole foods available, exercise in moderation and control flavor, and you’ll get real results…Even so I’ve read online that once you lose weight, “you’ll be on a diet the rest of your life”. While this may or may not be true, you want to think of this as an edgy type of thing where if you lose it too fast it will be tension for the rest of your life…

Since this is possible, you want to reduce in moderation. As I say I lost 35 pounds and I’ll perhaps be losing 15- 25 lbs this year, and I’ll return to this exact dot com on the web to let you know how this may be. After I lose all 60 pounds and maintain my healthy weight for the following  year, “am I still hungry?” Even if so it may be worth it at any rate.


And research also shows that if you lose it fast you are giving yourself a spleenectomy. You also don’t want to lose muscle, etc., e.g. the risk of anorexia is higher.


….For high speed weight loss no doubt the reduced risk of diabetes is higher. These are some reasons I consider it wise if we safely ignore sites that say they’ve lost 30 pounds in a month.

And by this more moderate method, your body won’t “shut down” in a few weeks.


Weight control is neither candy, nor who you are. It’s not a game but it has some worth and isn’t uncomfortable if you go about it by a reliable, safer method.

It will be interesting to see how much value most get from dieting overall. If the advantages like better health of the sorts usually believed in these events are viable, they may be the healthiest people around.. Well, not round….just in looks and health like blood sugar heart, heart health, behavioral health….

When I first got started with hoping for food improvements on the internet, the costs were high, and the connection speed was low, this has improved more about this here as I write in 2019 with sites like Vitacost.

When I would buy food online, I got it by UPS, and I said, yum yum, wow, Then open the box, why not! And then I would eat it more than I should, and so this seemed the end of the diet for that go round.

This is like when you have say two stores in reach, your situation changes and you have other stores with a new set of foods, this will often destabilize most diets I would say.

But if you have the general and zeroing in methods of Flavor Control and The Limit, and you watch and blend and reduce the flavor while you add complexity, this won’t destabilize you.. General to high resolution, what else is there in the cosmos! For diet at any rate of faster than light, I’ve zoomed up!

To the degree that weight control is even of worth, I think of this as a sort of one way valve for fat. If you just lose a pound or two a month for just a few days, and you neither binge or have a surplus of food, and if you are stable, you lose the weight and keep it off indefinitely, 25 pounds a year, 50 in two years.

It’s not so much losing weight for two or three days a month, we’ve all tried this. The advantage here is about the rest of the month where you can relax and retain your improvement.


About the two or three days, this would seem to add up to 36 days a year of hunger pangs, not an instubstantial level of discomfort, even if as I say it’s no more discomfort than like a heat wave in the rain! For the hunger you might want to research passionflower, the herb.

Even so passionflower may not be for everyone, so be sure to do your research and see a qualified heath care practitioner before making any changes in diet or lifestyle. BE SURE YOU CHECK TO SEE HOW IT AFFECTS YOU BEFORE YOU OPERATE ANY KIND OF HEAVY MACHINERY.


For me as far as I’ve known about this (it may not work or be optimal for you) Passionflower is non habit forming with few side effects and acts like benzodiazapine and, a CNS soother, yet far cheaper and in about 5 years I’ve had no side effects with it other than soothing relaxation and relief from soreness with passionflower.

(Like ginger it has the caution of low blood sugar however, but a much lower dose than one cap is fine for me) . For instance I dissolve a few caps in a jar and if you have restless legs syndrome as millions do it gives real relief in a few minutes, it lasts for about 12 hours and then it completely removes in the AM unlike some sleep herbs.

It’s considered by some to be first rate for insomnia (including “herbal insomnia”) because it shuts down the insomnia “talk show” and is considered to be perfect for this. I’ve found it to be even more powerful than ginger (which is far more powerful than aspirin) for pain relief.

And for hunger, I just put a bit of passionflower on my stomach.

   These methods make it so you can just diet 3 days a month to lose like 2 pounds, and then relax your diet so you have plenty of celebrations in general. Provided you stay with the money limit and there’s no extra food available and you don’t binge on what food you have, it’s not even a strain.

The main problem of usual diet methods is not so much losing weight, it seems like it’s the lack of ability to keep it off. This would be caused either by a food surplus of available food and even if it wasn’t generally available, like my early buying online events, the binges are also removed by Flavor Control as on these posts.

This seems much easier and safer than those risky diets you see where they claim to lose 30 pounds in a month. “Didn’t their body go into shutdown in 5 days?” How is this 30 lb possible they lost? Not to mention the crash in a few months or years they have and the damage the damage done to their health. Safer, more reliable methods, not the sprint may win the marathon. Like Ross Perot the billionaire said, “You make more weight control, you invest more in weight control” in Reliable Simple Loops and you’re lighter than an S&L!


Click Here 


For My Post About How Flavor Complexity Helps Flavor Modulation and Set Limits, CLICK HERE or See Post Above

More About Recycling your Meritrim or other Herbs or Methods So You Can (Theoretically) Lose Any Amount of Weight Without Pain!…


Update; How I lost 8 pounds in two nights by sleeping right as rain in my wave number bed! Reducing fat by ALA (from flax) reduces weight 40% in lab animals and lecithin reduces cholesterol about 50%. etc. if fat is fat this might allow weight control without calorie restriction reduced hunger and reduced risk of muscle loss etc.

There are some cautions so keep in mind that while this is positive and I’m an optimist this isn’t medical advice and you use this site at your own risk.

Click here for how I lost 8 pounds in 2 nights and some important cautions if you opt for this.

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